The December 2004 issue of the ASCC’s magazine is No. 4 of Volume 18.
Page | Content |
1 | Hilda Cowham, Shelleys Whimsical Childrens Illustrator by Robyn Cox (nurseryware) |
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3 | From the President December 2004 Victorian Regional Meeting November 20th 2004 (report) |
4 | Chicago - Lots to learn about Shelley by Gary Hoare (report of the US Club's 2004 annual conference) Hello from Yorkshire from Anne Robinson (souvenirware of St. Hilda's School, Southport, Queensland) |
5 | Regional Reports Malta Chatty by Glad Hansen (crested miniature) |
6 | Regional Reports |
7 | In the Beginning ... by Anne & Bruce Sandie (early Foley proprietors) |
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11 | Auction Report |
12 | Buy Swap & Sell |
13 | Coming Events From the Desk of the Editor Vale Graham Wells |
14 | Regional Reports |
15 | Earthenware Sweets, Honeys and Cruets by Anne Sandie |
16 | Queensland Coming of Age Fair 2004 (images) |
Members of the Club receive the Newsletter as part of their membership subscription.
Back issues can be ordered from the Editors. See the ASCCI Magazine page for details.