The March 2013 issue of ASCCI’s magazine is No. 1 of Volume 27.
Page | Content |
1 | The Regent Shape by Chris Davenport |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | March 2013 President's Report More on Shelley Sightings by Carolyn Keating |
5 | 2013 Shelley Fair and Exhibition at Ipswich, Queensland and our 30th Anniversary of the ASCCI 11th, 12th and 13th October (promotion) |
6 | China Crested Miniatures Update by Bruce Sandie |
7 | Keeping Up with Shelley: Confessions of a Newbie by Ken Thornton |
8 | A visit to Badby Woods, Northamptonshire, England by Geoffrey McDonnell (scene) |
9 | Dr. Andrew Carnegie: 'No man can become rich without enriching others' by Robyn Cox |
10 | Henry Wileman Photographs by Bruce and Anne Sandie |
11 | Ettie Morgan asks: (Cutty Sark plate) |
12 | Setting the Watch by Ruth Friedman (souvenirware) |
13 | Far North Queensland Library Display by Colin Oberle (report) |
14 | Regional Reports |
15 | Auction Report |
16 | Buy Swap & Sell Another Shelley Sighting by Helen Douglas |
17 | From the Desk of the Editor Coming Events |
18 | Regional Reports |
19 | |
20 | Glamis Castle and Shakespeare (Intarsio bowl) |
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Back issues can be ordered from the Editors. See the ASCCI Magazine page for details.